We present Synteny Finder, a user-friendly online synteny analysis function, which we build using BLAST-2.9.1+ , MCscanX and Perl and Java scripts. Users can upload reference and query gene sequences with FASTA format and gene structure file to Synteny Finder tools. Two parameters, including BLAST e-value and MCscanX gap can be adjust according to your aim. After you click submit button, MCscanX analysis results can be browse and download according the link provided in the results interface. And analysis id present in the results page that you can browse and download this results by searching id using Tools Results Search tools. We also provide visualize synteny finder results function build by Java scripts, which you can select visualization parameters in the results page. Mainly including circle, dual, dot and bar plot four types. Users can according to their aim to set width and height parameters. Visualization results output format support pdf, png, svg, jpeg, eps and bmp six format types, and users can download visualization results.