HBICLOUDSolutions of Biological Data Analysis | Since 2021


      To meet the demands for correlational analysis and visualization of massive multidimensional omics data, we have initiated the hbiCloud Bioinformatics Cloud Platform. This comprehensive bioinformatics tool is designed to provide researchers with convenient and efficient solutions for data processing and analysis. hbiCloud offers a range of powerful tools, including genome sequence analysis, transcriptome analysis, protein sequence alignment, evolutionary analysis, statistical analysis, and more, enabling in-depth exploration of species structure and function. Furthermore, hbiCloud provides a wealth of data visualization tools, such as bar charts, line graphs, heatmaps, etc., assisting users in intuitively presenting and analyzing data. Integrated within hbiCloud are molecular breeding tools, facilitating genetic and breeding research. We are committed to continuously updating and optimizing the platform's tools and features to ensure users always have access to the latest bioinformatics solutions. User data on the hbiCloud platform is rigorously protected through multiple security measures to ensure data integrity and privacy. Whether in the field of biology or medicine, the hbiCloud Bioinformatics Cloud Platform offers comprehensive support for data processing and analysis.

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Dr.Fei Chen

Mailing address: Yazhou Sanya, Hainan, China

Postal code: 572000

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