HBICLOUDSolutions of Biological Data Analysis | Since 2021

Version: v1.0     Release Date: 2024.8.1     Last Update Date: 2024.8.1
Introduction: The Metabolic Data Format Conversion tool plays a crucial role in multi-omics research by enabling the seamless conversion between various data formats. This tool supports a wide range of formats including mzML, mzXML, IdXML, mzIdent, pepXML, protXML, featureXML, consensusXML, and traMLF. These formats are commonly used in metabolomics and proteomics for storing mass spectrometry data, identification results, peptide and protein information, feature extraction, and consensus data. By facilitating the interoperability between these formats, the tool allows researchers to integrate and analyze complex datasets more efficiently, thereby enhancing the robustness and comprehensiveness of multi-omics studies.

mzML, mzXML, IdXML, mzIdent, pepXML, protXML, featureXML, consensusXML, traMLF


mzML, mzXML, IdXML, mzIdent, pepXML, protXML, featureXML, consensusXML, traMLF

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