Floral scent in organs
Total FVOCs Methyl hexanoate Total Benzenoids
Petal 13.08292 4.510117 2.255058 2.087571 1.750248 0.875124 10.99535 3.291130842 1.645565421
Pistil 12.11401 3.816038 1.908019 12.10585 3.814087 1.907043 0.008165 0.003910446 0.001955223
Sepal 4.95037 1.936253 0.968127 1.312452 1.238153 0.619077 3.637918 1.974002253 0.987001126
Stamen 36.4142 7.610712 3.805356 36.30774 7.514219 3.757109 0.106457 0.084934149 0.042467074
Floral scent in rhythm
Total FVOCs sd Methyl hexanoate SD
19:50-23:50 835.4834 91.69376 555.1576 54.89043
23:50-3:50 825.6371 345.6419 520.6733 264.8488
3:50-7:50 763.3541 204.4644 441.0763 216.2258
7:50-11:50 816.0534 456.9551 434.0757 387.3163
11:50-15:50 375.9966 237.3125 109.8704 87.24941
15:50-19:50 402.1535 401.2822 214.1137 275.8557
19:50-23:50 91.55996 136.6955 96.13059 1.312452
23:50-3:50 104.2503 128.1365 40.96647 57.93534
3:50-7:50 152.4031 14.24078 38.28387 26.56761
7:50-11:50 67.03926 11.43418 18.1752 8.683737
11:50-15:50 33.38855 4.900973 11.88942 4.472243
15:50-19:50 26.87282 0.251264 11.35851 4.489279
19:50-23:50 11.09135 5.342414 4.960007 2.499796
SAM-dependent carboxyl methyltransferase (SABATH) expression levels
Aver SD
Petal 0.0000358 0.0000226
Pistill 0.22506 0.060816
Sepal 0.85 0.183
Stamen 1.032159 0.306246
Petal 0 0
Pistill 0 0
Sepal 0 0
Stamen 0 0
Petal 0.453794 0.111842
Pistill 1.003208 0.088342
Sepal 0.3 0.091924
Stamen 0.299222 0.149295
SABATH substrates
Hexanoic acid Octanoic acid Decanoic acid Dodecanoic acid
VcSABATH1 0.875133404482391 39.3736017897092 33.6129753914989 16.8903803131991
VcSABATH2 0.789754535752401 2.04211869814933 1.97910940076965 4.20792079207921
VcSABATH3 100 33.4471718249733 38.8260405549626 17.2465314834578
Data source: Yifan Jiang, Guanhua Liu, Wanbo Zhang, Chi Zhang, Xinlu Chen, Yuchu Chen, Cuiwei Yu, Dongbei Yu, Jianyu Fu, Feng Chen* Biosynthesis and Emission of Methyl Hexanoate, the Major Constituent of Floral Scent of the Water Lily Victoria cruziana. Phytochemistry. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.112899