Fragaria orientalis
     Eastern strawberry / 东方草莓

Taxonomy: Angiosperms / Eudicots / Rosids / Rosales / Rosaceae


1. Fragaria orientalis is native to China and E Siberia, specifically the Chinese provinces of Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang as well as in Korea, Mongolia, and Russia.
2. It is occasionally cultivated as a novelty edible. It is called dong fang cao mei in at least part of its native range.
3. F. orientalis is a perennial, averaging 8 in (.2m) tall; it blooms from Apr to May.
4. These plants can be found in forests and meadows on mountain slopes, usually in the shade of forest trees at elevations of 600 – 4000 meters.
5. This plant is cultivated as an edible herb, although it is relatively rare in cultivation.
6. Prefers a sunny position with moist, fertile soil for maximum production. However, plants can tolerate partial shade. F. orientalis prefers a mulch of coniferous needles.

Genome statistics

Total sequence length214,184,023 bp
Total assembly gap length14,119 bp
Number of scaffolds323,163
Scaffold N50722 bp
Scaffold L5085,403 bp
Number of contigs323,675
Contig N50721 bp
Contig L5085,534 bp
Number of component sequences (WGS or clone)323,675
Sequencing technologyIllumina HiSeq1000


Hirakawa, H. et al. Dissection of the Octoploid Strawberry Genome by Deep Sequencing of the Genomes of Fragaria Species. DNA Research 21, 169-181 (2014)